economic justice

Step Up Louisiana organizes in workplaces and in neighborhoods to build the political power our families need to win good jobs and a fair economy for all.


The economy of our state is in crisis. Louisiana has unacceptable rates of poverty and inequality Corporations operating in our state are making record profits while most working families are struggling to make ends meet. A disproportionately large proportion of low-wage earners are people of color and women. We are fighting for a $15 minimum wage, Equal Pay for Equal Work for Women, and Fair Chance Hiring. We also work on unemployment insurance and support Dollar Store workers organizing. At the same time, Louisiana is the incarceration capital of the country and is home to millions of qualified job seekers that are regularly denied a fair shot on job applications because of their arrest history.

Step Up Louisiana addresses these systemic problems by organizing affected communities and building strategic alliances to change policy at all levels of government.

Our 3-Point Economic Justice Platform is how we approach economic justice work.

1) $15 Minimum Wage

  • Raise the minimum pay for all workers public and private sector, tipped workers, and disabled workers to $15 per hour

2) Ban the Box Fair Chance

  • Give all workers a fair chance to be hired no matter what their arrest record or criminal record.

3) Equal Pay for Women

  • Close the gender pay gap by passing a number of policies that support women at work including pay secrecy, pay transparency, raise the minimum wage, and pass paid sick leave laws.
